Monday, 7 January 2013

Reflection: Project Flash

Reflection: Project Flash


For our project,our group has agreed to developed learning courseware on topic numbers for kindergarden.We used Adobe Flash Professional CS3.This project has reflected all that we learnt in class. Many elements such as motion tweening, shape tweening, frame by frame, multiple choice question, text entry question,and drag and drop was included during courseware development.This learning courseware is designed to help children learn the names and spelling of numbers.A numbers song to the ten little tune that makes children easily to follow.Besides that, this courseware also include with exercise for children to practice.This courseware include 3 pages: 1.About 2.Numbers 3.Exercises.

This will explain about this coureware and its function.

Do you realize that there is more button.If you click on more button, it will display more information. Behind the more button, insert this action script:

gotoAndStop("Scene 2","more");

It cause the playhead to jump to scene 2 in frame named more and stops from progressing further. The action script also means that it will link from one frame to another frame in the same scene in file.


A numbers song to the ten little tune that makes children to sing along.
There also a button will link to youtube for more videos on learning numbers.
This numbers song, we decided to design in a new flash file named number.fla. We develop this song by using many types of animation such as motion tweening, shape tweening, and frame by frame. The shape of number 1-10, we tracing using onion skin tool.You can view this video on my google sites nadeeya.

Behind numbers song button, we include this action script:

on(release) {
    gotoAndStop("Scene 7",1);

Behind Back button, we put this loadMovieNum( ) function because it will link from one flash file to another flash file.

on (release)
loadMovieNum("main menu project.swf",1);

Meanwhile, behind the Youtube button, put this getURL( ) because we want to link to the Youtube website.


{ getURL("");}


Include 3 exercises for children to practice.We apply all the application of interaction that are text entry question, multiple choice question and drag and drop.

1. Text Entry Question (Exercise 1)

This text entry question will ask the users to type the answer for the question. We use static text for the question, input text for the users to give answer and dynamic text to display or response either the answer is correct or not.

Below are screen capture if the user answer the correct answer. The action script behind the playback button are:

Action script if the user press playback button

on (release) { if (answer == "five") {respon = "Correct!";
} else {
respon = "Incorrect. Your answer "+ answer +" is incorrect.";

If the user press Enter

on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (answer == "five") {respon = "Correct!";
} else {
respon = "Incorrect. Your answer "+ answer +" is incorrect.";

User input the wrong answer

2. Multiple Choice Question (Exercise 2)

User have to choose one answer by click on the button (A,B,C,D)

If the users choose answer A, the respon will said "Congrates, your answer is correct!!!" 
The action script behind the A button as below:

on (release) {
respon = " Congrates,your answer is correct!!!";

Meanwhile if you choose the wrong answer that is besides A. This response will display " This is not the right answer". The action script is:

on (release) {
respon = " This is not the correct answer";

3. Drag and Drop (Exercise 3)

The last exercise is to drag the number to the correct answer .

This is action script behind the rectangle:


_root.box2.gotoAndStop (2);
_root.box2.gotoAndStop (1);

Behind the pentagon:


_root.box1.gotoAndStop (2);
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (1);

Behind the oval:

_root.box1.gotoAndStop (2);
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (1);

Antara kesukaran yang dihadapi dalam membina learning courseware ini adalah untuk match kan animation dengan lagu adalah sama.. So kita orang kena la ulang lagu tu banyak2 kali.. sangat bosan dan muak bila dengar lagu tu banyak2 kali.. Memang setahun akan datang, xnk dengar lagu 10 little number ni hehehe.. Tapi bagusnya, kami dapat belajar macamana nk membina courseware serta teknik2 yang bersesuaian.Untuk jangka masa panjang, bolehlah buat sendiri courseware untuk anak-anak. Chewah!!!!

Reflection: Project Dreamweaver

Reflection: Project Dreamweaver


Entri kali ini merupakan reflection kepada apa yang telah saya pelajari Adobe Dreamweaver sepanjang kelas sebelum ini. Kami satu kumpulan yang terdiri daripada Ana Haziqah, Nor Farhah dan saya Nornadiah telah buat keputusan untuk buat Online Cake House.. Tujuan kami membina laman web ini adalah kerana x ramai peniaga di luar sana yang membina online cake. Yang selalu kita dengar adalah pakaian,handbag,accesories, dan banyak lagi. Lagi satu, kami memang suka sangat dengan kek ni. Oleh itu, ianya menjadi inspirasi buat kami untuk menyiapkan laman web ini dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kami juga telah membuat keputusan untuk membina dengan menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. =D

Orait, cuba kita ingat kembali langkah2 sebelum membina laman web:

1. Install web server (xampp)
2. Install Dreamweaver CS3
3. Define site in Dreamweaver CS3

1. Open Dreamweaver CS3
2. Click Site > New Site
3. Type site name > tasteofhome
4. Type HTTP URL address site > http://localhost/tasteofhome/
5. Click Next
6. Setting server technology > YES, I want to use a server technology
7. Select PHP MySQL
8. Next
9. Select 'Edit and test locally (my testing server is on this computer)'
10. Click folder icon to choose local root folder for site. Make sure store file in c > xampp> htdoc
12. Type site name at URL site root
13. Test URL. If successful, click OK and proceed next.
14. Select No and proceed next.

4. DEACTIVE Internet Information Services

1. Start> Control Panel > Administrative Tool > IIS
2. +Websites > default website
3. Click STOP button

5. LOCALHOST - Run Xampp 

1. Open Xampp Control Panel
2. Make sure run Apache and MySQL

6. Developing and Designing Website PHP and MySQL

1. Create database

Our database for this project named tasteofhome. We decide not to make password to our database because we worried that Prof Zaida could have problem later when opening our project. But then it is required to make password for security to our database.

2. Create table and insert data

Inside tasteofhome database contains 4 tables that are:

1. orderform - hold user's information and order.
2. signup - hold user's email, username and password when registered.
3. contact - hold user's information and feedback.
4. admin - hold admin's username and password. 

3. Setup connection between PHP and MySQL


For our project, our group has agreed to used PHP and MySQL to develop online cake house. This project has reflected all that we learnt in class before. Many elements such as image, video, hyperlink, anchor, layers and etc was included during web development. This online cake house is actually a webpage that allow user to view our product and can place an order after their sign up as member. But then, user must have come to our outlet to make payment and get the products.

There are two level of users in this webpage: 1. User  2.Admin. This two users have different level of access. User can only view the webpage, place an order and send a feedback. Meanwhile, admin  have the authority to view webpages, insert user, delete user, view user, edit user, insert order, delete order, view order and edit order. Below I will display the interface between this two users:


If users are not registered, they only can see home page of the website.

1. User must first to sign up as member before sign in into the webpage. For sign up we use concept of integrating security into an application with registration page. We use Check New Username behavior to avoid different users from using the 100% same username as previous user. We also create a message to inform the user that the username has been used by other users.

2. After that, user must sign in to view product and place an order. Sign in also called as integrating security into an application. For integrating security just go Server Behaviors > User Authentication > Log In User. In this project, we just select Username and Password for Restrict Access Based.

3. Now, the users can view Our Product, About Us, Services, Recipes, Order Form and Contact Us. We insert all elements in our webpages such as image, video, link, anchor, button, text and etc.

i. Our Product

This webpage will view all our products available in our cake house such as doughnuts, tarts, cakes, desserts, muffins, and macarons.

If we click button desserts, the webpage will direct to desserts webpage.All list of desserts will display as below.

ii. About Us

This will display information about our cake house.

iii. Services

Besides sold out cakes, macarons, dessert and so on. We also provide other services such as Cakes'  Classes, Celebration, Wedding Ceremony, Opening Ceremony, Family Day and etc. 

 iv. Recipes

This webpage will show you the hot recipes in this year with a video demonstration on how to cook it.

v. Order Form
Users can place their order in this webpages. To store user's order into the database, we use Insert Record behavior.

Then, we use RecordSet to view user's order from database. It will be references for the users to check whether the order submitted is correct or not.

vi. Contact Us
Users can send a feedback or suggestion by clicking Contact Us tab.



1.For admin they dont have to sign up because the admin will register or specified by developers. But then, they still have to sign in before view admin webpages.

2. Admin can view all webpages same as users and added webpages such as view user, edit user, insert user, delete user, view order, edit order, insert order and delete order.

3. Belows are captured screens that additional webpages that admin can view

i. View User
This webpage will view all the user's email, username and password that registered before. As I mentioned before, we use RecordSet to view user's information from database.

ii. Edit User
1. For edit user, we create two php files; edituser.php and edituser2.php. It is because for edituser.php, it will display all the user registered meanwhile edituser2.php will display the information that you want to edit or update.

2. In edituser.php file, we use RecordSet too for view user's information from database.

3. Then, we highlight the second row and perform Repeat Region. Repeat Region is used to display how many data from database to your webpage. You can set it by click Application > Server Behaviors >+ > Repeat Region.

4. Highlight the ID Recordset. Click Application > Server Behaviors > +> Go To Detail Page. The function of Go To Detail Page is to provide more details on a single database record. To retrieve details on only one record, the detail page must include a recordset that filters the records of a database table based on some unique identifier. Thats why we use ID to find information on just a single and simply search for one record that matches a particular ID number. In other words, create a recordset that filters the data based on that ID number.

5. In edituser2.php file, we insert Update Behavior so admin can updating information on users.

iii. Insert User
Admin can also insert new users.

1.   Insert form.
2.   Insert table and place it in the form for lay out.
3.   Insert form > textfield for email. Edit textfield properties (at the bottom page). Instance name for textfield to email.
4.   Repeat insert form > textfield for username and password.Make sure for password   select radio button password properties. 
5.   Select Application > Server Behavior > + > Insert record.
6.   Insert record details need to fill this section :Connection, Insert table, column, After inserting go to. For column choose ID. 
7.   Done and test in browser.

iv. Delete User

1. Open page deleteuser.php
2. Use Recordset
3. Insert > Form > Form.
4. Insert table into the form. 2 rows, 5 columns. Insert Delete link in column 1 to link to  page deleteuser2.php.
5. Binding recordset into table.
6. Edit PHP Code. Highlight on delete link then click code or split. Add code and save.

<a href="deleteuser2.php?recordID=<?php echo$row_Recordset1['ID'];?>" tar et="_ arent">Delete</a>

This action will link to deleteuser2.php and display information of ID that user choose to delete.

Open deleteuser2.php, perform this steps.

 1. Insert > form > form.
3. Insert > table > rows:4, columns:2.
4. Insert > form > text field (for all field want to show to the table).
5. Insert > form > button. (Delete button).
6. Insert > form > Hidden Field.Click Hidden Field icon > Properties > change name to
7. Setting Recordset.Application > Binding > + > Recordset

Set filter to ID = URL Parameter recordID.

8. Binding Recordset into table.
9. Binding Recordset into hidden field
    •Click Hidden Field icon > Properties
    •click icon 'lightning bolt'
    •in dynamic data > click ID
    •click OK.

10. Click Application > Server Behaviour > + > Delete Record

Primary key column: ID , untick numeric
Primary key value: Form Variable , hidden1.

11. Save and test in web browser.

*The steps for view order, edit order, insert order and delete order are likely the same as steps in above for user.

v. View Order

vi. Edit Order

vii. Insert Order

viii. Delete Order

Before delete the order, it will display the information details for admin to confirmation.

Reflection: Week 15

Reflection Week 15


Minggu ini merupakan kelas yang terakhir buat kami pada semester ini. Kami semua dikehendaki memulangkan iPad serta Wacon yang pinjam sebelum ini. X best sgt sbb saya x dapat gunakan lg iPad huhuhu.. Apps 1,2,3,4 sangat membantu saya dalam pembelajaran Adobe Flash selama ini. Kalau minggu lepas,saya belajar Drag and Drop tetapi kelas pada hari ini belajar untuk menandakan betul sekiranya pelajar meletakkan jawapan di tempat yang betul.

Antara langkah-langkah untuk membuat drag and drop adalah seperti berikut:

1. Create the circle and rectangle on the left side and convert it to movie clip symbols. While create two rectangles on the right side and convert it to movie clip symbols. Next create Next button symbols.  

2. Draw a rectangle in the first frame of the movie clip.

3. Then add stop action script on the frame.

4. Add a keyframe in frame 2 by press F6 and add stop action script on the frame.

5. Add also a red line  on the rectangle in frame 2 in the movie clip timeline.

6. Go back to your scene (Scene 1).

7. Open your library and drag place movie clip into the stage (in response layer). Rename the instance as box 1.

8. Drag place movie clip into the stage for the second time (in response layer). Rename the instance as box 2.

9. Create a movie clip symbol and draw a rectangle and name it as rec. Create another movie clip symbol and name it as circle.

10. Drag both movie clips on the stage (in the same layer).

11. In layer 5, insert stop action script.

12. Click at circle symbol in circle layer and add the following actionscript:

Actionscript behind the circle:

if((this._x>=* lowest value for x in the box*)&(this._x<=*the highest value for x)&(this._y>=*the lowest value for y)&(this._y<=*the highest value for y))
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (2);
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (1);
this._x=*the origin of x-default location*;
this._y=*the origin of y*;

13. Click at rec symbol in circle layer and add the following action script:

Actionscript behind the rectangle:

if((this._x>=* lowest value for x in the box*)&(this._x<=*the highest value for x)&(this._y>=*the lowest value for y)&(this._y<=*the highest value for y))
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (2);
_root.box1.gotoAndStop (1);
this._x=*the origin of x-default location*;
this._y=*the origin of y*;

14. Repeat it for the rectangle.

15. Save your file and test the movie.

Berikut merupakan paparan skrin bagi drag and drop tersebut:

Paparan ini menunjukkan tanda betul apabila circle diletakkan di tempat yang betul.

Paparan ini pula menunjukkan tanda betul apabila rectangle diletakkan di tempat yang betul.

Akhir sekali, anda boleh cuba dan lihat drag and drop ini di dalam google site saya nadeeya.